QupZilla 2.2.6



QupZilla is a new and very fast QtWebEngine browser. It aims to be a lightweight web browser available through all major platforms. This project has been originally started only for educational purposes. But from its start, QupZilla has grown into a feature-rich browser.

QupZilla has all standard functions you expect from a web browser. It includes bookmarks, history (both also in sidebar) and tabs. Above that, it has by default enabled blocking ads with a built-in AdBlock plugin.

QupZilla Features :

Native look'n'feel on Linux
Library - History, Bookmarks and RSS Reader in one window
Option to send DNT Do-Not-Track header
Private Browsing mode
History and Bookmarks Sidebars
Stylable user interface through themes (4 already packaged with browser)
SSL Certificate Manager
Search Engines Manager
Supports importing bookmarks from other browsers
Speed Dial for quick access to favorite pages

Download : QupZilla | 64-bit

Homepage : http://www.qupzilla.com/

Changelog : http://blog.qupzilla.com/


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